Julia Mamaea,
Mother of Severus Alexander (222-235 A.D.)
-  Silver Denarius - 19.84mm, 2.35gr
Julia, her diademed and draped bust right.
Reverse - VESTA,
Vesta, veiled, standing half-left, holding patera and transverse scepter.

Minted in Rome, 7th issue, 227 A.D.

Mattingley, Sydenham, & Sutherland, "Roman Imperial Coinage", Volume 4, Part 2 (RIC), p99, nr. 362
Carson, R.A.G., "Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum", Volume 6 (BMC), p156, nr. 440-444
Sear, D.R., "Roman Coins and their Values" (RCV 4th Revised Edition), p225, nr. 2315
Cohen, H, "Descriptions Historique des Monnaies frappees sous l'Empire Romain" (C), Volume 4, p498, nr. 85
Seaby, H.A. & Sear, D.R., "Roman Silver Coins" (RSC), Volume 3, p150, nr. 85
Van Meter, D., "Handbook of Roman Imperial Coins", p215, nr 11/2.
Suarez, R., "Encyclopedia of Roman Imperial Coins II" (ERIC II),  p413, nr. 30 (B2, O1, R39, T40, M2)

Quality: Very Fine.